The COST of Clutter
/The Cost of Clutter
Did you make a New Year’s resolution to FINALLY get your house in order in 2024? Have you lost momentum as we enter February? Whether you are getting ready to start your search for a new home or trying to make your current living space better serve your family’s needs, now is the time to press on!
Need some inspiration? If you do a quick search for “decluttering”, you will find a wide variety of videos to watch on the topic ranging from minimalism to hoarding and everything in between. Regardless of how much clutter you have in your home, the one main theme that seems to run through most decluttering videos is cost. You may not think about the “cost” of storing something in your own home, but if it is taking up valuable space it could be costing you time, money, or both! Do you have to park your car outside in the cold while because your garage is filled with things you no longer need or use? Have you ever paid late fees on bills or lost important documents because you have too much paper clutter in your office? Is your guest room ready for guests?
If you are thinking of moving, consider how much you want to pack. Decluttering your space now not only makes it easier for you to list your home, but also makes it cheaper if you are paying movers. If you plan on staying in your current home and just want your space to be more calm and useful, you may want to re-evaluate the items you are storing to determine what could be rearranged, discarded, or donated.
Although you may not have hours of time to devote to another project, don’t underestimate the power of starting the process by working for a few minutes here or there to regain some valuable space and calm in your home. As you move through your home, think about the areas that cause the most frustration and how removing unnecessary items would make the space more pleasant or efficient. Do you avoid preparing meals in your kitchen because you don’t want to search through the pantry? Do you have kitchen items stored in another part of your home? Does it take you forever to choose something to wear because there are so many items in your closet that you are overwhelmed or do you wear the same few items because they are easily accessible?
As you go through your home, decide what you will keep, donate, or discard and try to include those who use the space in this decision-making process. Whether you start with a room or drawer, have a plan about what happens to the items you find in each space. Could those items be more useful to another person or family? If you don’t immediately know someone who could benefit from your excess items, remember that there are many organizations that will be happy to get your donations and many offer free pick-up services!
Once you declutter, be vigilant about what comes back in to your home! Think carefully before accepting items from others who are cleaning out their spaces. Just because an item is “free” doesn’t always make it a good value if you must store it and will rarely use it!
Jarod Tanksley - 615.403.8265
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