Protecting Your Investment!

June is designated as National Homeowner’s Month and what better way to observe the occasion thanby checking in with your insurance company to be certain you have the appropriate coverage to keepyour home protected? If it has been a while since you checked in with your insurance provider, nowmight be a good time to make that call.

Many homeowners never see an invoice for their policy since it’s wrapped into the monthly mortgagepayment. Every year around the month you purchased your home you should receive some form ofnotification from your insurance company detailing the current insurance coverage on your home. Thenotice reminds you to contact them if you want to make changes in coverage before the new policy andpremium go into effect.

Over the past few years, most people have probably experienced increases in their policy premiumseven though no claims were filed. The main reasons given by insurance companies for the increases areinflation and severe weather events. It may be worth your time to review your existing policy to see ifthere are any changes that could be made to lower your premiums. Did you install a new roof this pastyear or make changes to other structures that might decrease your risk? Could you afford to increaseyour deductible? Homeowners tend to call their insurance provider to see where they can cut coveragefor savings, but it may be helpful to review your full policy with your representative to be certain youaren’t over-insured in some areas and under-insured in others.

No one wants to think about losing their home or possessions, but having enough coverage in the eventof a disaster is an important part of your financial health. Taking some time now to review yourcoverage will help you protect one of your largest investments!

Jarod Tanksley 615.403.8265


Brentview Realty 615.373.2814