Indoor Air Quality - It's Not Just About the Scent!
/As winter draws to a close, do you find yourself opening some windows on a sunny day to “air things out?” There is nothing like some cool, fresh air to perk up your space this time of year, especially in bathrooms and bedrooms! However, the air quality of your home is about more than just those random odd smells from pets, cooking or when someone forgets to take out the trash. The air quality in your home is a very important element for your family’s safety and comfort and often forgotten until maintenance or health issues arise. Here are a few things to consider if you want to improve the air quality in your home.
Proper ventilation is a necessity! Some may wish their homes didn’t have quite so much ventilation, especially if they live in an older home with inadequate insulation or older windows and doors. However, if you live in a home built in the last few decades, technology has improved, and you probably don’t have much air leaking in from the outside or from a crawl space. But, this lack of outside air can create other problems especially if you have any gas-powered appliances, water heaters or fireplaces. Maintain good air circulation in your home by using the appropriate ventilation or exhaust fans installed in your home that will remove fumes and other by-products of these items. If you don’t use exhaust fans because they are loud, do some research and replace them with newer, more quiet options. Most exhaust fans will have decibel levels listed in their descriptions and you can even test models in certain stores before buying.
Another part of good indoor air quality is moisture control. Many people have humidifiers attached directly to their heating units or use stand-alone humidifiers in the winter to combat the dryness created by forced-air heat. However, too much humidity is just as bad as too little when it comes to air quality. If condensation forms on windows or you notice spots of mold or mildew on walls, adjust the amount of moisture your unit is dispensing and get an inexpensive hygrometer to monitor the humidity of a space if the unit does not have one built in.
And last but not least, be sure to change or clean all filters regularly according to manufacturer’s instructions on any system in your home that filters air or adds moisture and don’t forget the vacuum cleaner! The air quality in your home is very important to your family’s health and comfort and should not be overlooked even if you can’t smell a thing!
Jarod Tanksley - 615.403.8265
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